Yes, First Class is hosted in the cloud. To access the platform you simply need an internet connection and a web browser.
Yes, First Class can be accessed from any device including smartphones, tablets, and computers. The system has been optimised for viewing on these devices.
Yes, First Class supports multiple locations. Multiple locations can be set up within one instance/account, or you may wish to have a separate database for each location. Our account managers can guide you on the best arrangement for your specific needs.
Yes, First Class is highly configurable. The system has over 50 settings that can be configured to your unique needs including levels, skills, certificates, and communication templates.
Yes, First Class has a class attendance tracking feature. Staff can tick off attendance via the class view or scheduling view. Parents can also use the self-check-in feature and the customer portal to check their child in for a lesson.
To schedule a demo with a First Class expert, please visit our demo request page – here.
Yes, our parent or customer portal has an app version that makes access more convenient for parents. There is no app for the system back end as access is managed through the web browser.
Yes, First Class’s core functionality includes a powerful scheduling feature that handles everything from term-based bookings to make-up lessons.
For a full list of features go to
Select your business type to find functionality specifically to your industry.
First Class has a range of automated communication triggers including triggers for onboarding, overdue payments, missed classes, and new bookings.
Yes, First Class offers a range of billing options through third-party payment processes. Payment options include one-time credit/debit card payments and recurring direct debits. Speak to one of our account managers to understand the best billing options for your class business.
Yes, First Class has a range of powerful reports and analytics that are designed to give you the right information about your performance. Common reports include attendance reports, financial reports, occupancy, progression, and many more.
First Class’s dashboards give you snapshots of key performance metrics including the current number of active students, cancellations, new students, and attrition.
We have a range of integrations with other complimentary tools from accounting systems to access control.
For a full list of integrations please see our partner/integrations page here:
Yes, First Class has a range of powerful reports and analytics that are designed to give you the right information about your performance. Common reports include attendance reports, financial reports, occupancy, progression, and many more.
First Class’s dashboards give you snapshots of key performance metrics including the current number of active students, cancellations, new students, and attrition.
Yes, via the customer portal parents can log into to see their childs progress, update their contact information, view/pay invoices, notify an absence and book make up lessons.
We offer email, phone, and live chat support during business hours.
Our support ticketing system allows us to track any support requests and respond in a timely manner. Our service agreement stipulates response time standards that we uphold to ensure you receive a high level of support and assistance when needed.
First Class supports users in 9 countries. We have support staff available to assist you quickly at any time during business hours, wherever you are based.
Yes, our product development roadmap is customer driven. You can request new features and enhancements via our support email – or via our online forum.
We have an extensive knowledge base that includes articles and videos on how to use First Class. We offer training packages that can help fast-track your system knowledge and improve your implementation of the system.
Our response times are outlined in our service agreement. For a draft copy please contact us.
Yes. We support most languages via google translate.
Your data is generally stored locally, based on your country. For example, if you’re in Australia, data is housed in our Sydney-based AWS data center.
Being a cloud-based platform, we have carefully selected our hosting provider to ensure our system data security is at the highest possible level. We use a range of procedural and physical security measures to ensure your data is kept secure.
You can view our privacy policy here:
Yes, First Class uses data encryption to keep sensitive information safe.
Yes, your data will be backed up every two hours. We have well-defined disaster recovery processes in place.
Yes, we have extensive audit tracking on all key system actions.
First Class has MFA (Multi factor authentication) functionality for increased security.
You can control user access by the settings in our user type functinoality
Yes, you can export customer lists and other data. You can also request a full backup of your data from our support team.
Integration and Migration:
Typically 7 years. We will not purge any of your data without request.
Most integrations use an API as an API to connect the systems. Modern API’s make integrations extremely smooth and instantaneous.
Yes, our team are experts in migrating data from other systems into First Class. We also have a importer tool which makes importing data yourself easy.
Yes, almost all over our reports have an export to excel integration. We also have an importer tool to import bulk data.
Yes, we have an integration with the popular accounting software Xero.
Yes, we have an API which is available for custom integrations. For example, you may wish to integrate with a more general CRM like Salesforce or if you are a school a school management platform.
Pricing and Billing:
Yes, you can integrate links to the customer/parent portal with your website. Please speak to your account manager about the best way to do this for your business.
First Class provides tools that can help you with significant admin time as well as improve customer retention rates. Improvement in these areas will provide you with a much higher return on your investment. Our clients are making a blue chip investment that will give them the best long-term return.
Subscription fees are calculated based on active student numbers
We also have different packages which impact cost such as our premium subscription which includes a branded app.
First Class pricing is based on the number of active students enrolled in your business. If you are a small business with low student enrollment numbers you will pay less than a business with a large number of students.
Pricing will also depend on the functionality needs of your business. You may wish to opt for our modules that you do not need.
Typically we provide a pricing proposal after an initial walk-through and needs discussion so we can recommend the best package for you.
If price is your most important buying criteria we suggest you look at alternatives to First Class as our subscription fees are typically 15-20% higher than the market average.
Yes, additional or hidden fees are outlined below
SMS: Approximately 9 c per SMS. This is billed based on use only. You may choose not to use the SMS feature however we highly recommend this feature for urgent communications such as canceled lessons.
Transaction fees: Our payment processing providers have transaction fees on each payment. This can vary depending on the type of transaction however for credit cards a rate of 1.7% is common. These fees can be passed onto the customer or you can opt to absorb them if you prefer.
*It is important to remember that there is a convenience factor for customers who wish to pay via credit or debit card.
We can provide a 30-day free trial however you must complete a trial registration form and attend a trial onboarding call.
If you would like to book a trial onboarding call please complete the following form.
We offer monthly direct debit billing OR annual/bi annual upfront plans.
Most likely – We support most countries including United states, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand.
No, you can send an unlimited number of emails for FREE.
Need more answers? Reach out to our team for further information at